Fault Lines
Living in California means you could have a fault line running through your backyard, in any unforeseen moment an earthquake could hit and your home could fall to complete destruction around you. The fault lines in our lives are much the same, building pressure over time until one day there is a shift in the foundation and within a few moments - perhaps through a phone call, a few words uttered - we are given a diagnosis, a relationship breaks or someone we love dies and the life we knew before is lost in the fallout.
After losing my mother to the darkness of Alzheimer’s disease and enduring the loss of a long term relationship, my sense of home and belonging was shaken. Feeling like a walking ghost, I took notice of and resonated with the abandoned houses in my new neighborhood; spaces in transition, overtaken by the wild, existing among the ordinary. I processed my grief by exploring these places in solitude, I would disappear for hours with my camera into the stillness and there I found healing within my own interiors. These houses informed me of the beauty amongst the ashes, conveyed that life always pushes us forward, that new growth is inevitable and there is a message in what was lost.